Thursday, 2 January 2014

New Year, same me :D

Welcome to 2014 everyone!

Funnily enough, I'm not making any grandiose resolutions because, well, I'm already doing everything I want to be doing. So, it's just going to be more of the same for me, training hard, eating clean and generally trying to be awesome. 

I started the New Year with some cute new gym gear thanks to D and my parents. I look so shiny and neon in my new stuff, I'll enjoy it while it lasts :D 

There hasn't been an extreme influx of newbies at my gym yet, but I expect it will get busier in the next couple of weeks. I'm not looking forward to having to fight for equipment but as long as I still get quality trainings in, I don't mind. Working to achieve fitness goals is hard work, so if you're just starting out, keep at it, I'm sure you'll do great!

I've started working on my posing, I found some really good videos on YouTube by Julie Lohre to start practising.

It's been good just to see how it's done as well as give it a go myself. It's been helpful to see what things I need to work on such as my lats.

My pull ups today weren't amazing, so I'm going to try and add another pull up workout on a Monday to try doing it more than once a week.

As for training this week, I'm finally getting back into my usual training sessions. Hit core and back today and arms and chest tomorrow. I've really noticed I needed much longer rests between sets while training. I'm hoping to reduce this time over the next week.

I'm off work until 6 January so I've got a few more days of being able to train at any time I want, then it's back to lunchtime and after work.

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