Thursday, 16 January 2014

Catching up on a few things

Well, I had a birthday! Woohoo! Not fussed about getting older, I only seem to be improving with age, so bring it on ;)

I've entered a competition. For some sponsorship! Funny I know, but I saw it and couldn't let the opportunity pass... So I'm probably going to be talking a whole lot more on my social media sites about fitness, and while I'm nervous about this prospect, it's definitely worth it to be involved with this competition!!

So follow me on Instagram if you haven't already xoxajvxox, and I'll post more info about my Facebook stuff when I have it ready :D

I thought a little about perception and body image the other day. I was having a bit of a bad day and it slowly led me to making comments about how I think I've gained body fat, and how to me, I don't look very good. It's hard to be taken seriously when I make comments like that, especially when I know myself that it's mostly in my head.

It's hard not to judge yourself harshly when training and eating like this. You are on the hunt for something incredibly difficult and you are aiming high. I have to remember that I see myself every single day and I'm not going to notice a lot of the small positive changes happening to my physique.

So it as an important reminder to be a little bit kinder to myself, that I'm in this for the long haul and I can't expect miracles overnight. My body is not going to change that fast, for better or for worse. So next time I complain, just give me a hug and a protein bar and I'll be alright!


So to training, I've had a solid week, hit a nice PR on dumbbell bench press, my next goal is 26kg(57lb) each hand and I managed 24kg(52lbs) on Tuesday. So I'm pretty happy with that.

I made some awesome oaty protein pancakes on the weekend and they were amazing! I need to track down the recipe I used and put it up here because they were fantastic!

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