I've felt strong, trained hard, and think I'm making solid progress. Like I've mentioned before I've hit a few PRs recently.
One thing I've noticed is I seem to be recovering really, really fast. Considering how often I train I would expect to be suffering more DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) than I am at the moment. I am taking a protein, BCAAs, L-Glutamine, a thermogenic in the morning and I'll take a preworkout if I really need a lift before working out, but I find the amount of food I'm eating is giving me enough energy to fuel my workouts on its own. I'm getting plenty of sleep at the moment which could be helping, and getting a good amount of rest between each body part I train.
I have been asked a couple of times how I break my training up recently, and it changes all the time so I guess I should do an update of what training at the moment looks like.
My arms, especially my triceps, are a weak point at the moment, hence why they are getting a fair amount of treatment recently. I've also added a few more cardio sessions of 30 minutes in the crosstrainer (elliptical) into my workouts to help burn some fat. I also walk to work most mornings which is a 3 km walk.
When I train I do my compound lifting first and then accessory lifting, or split the sessions up like on the weekends I might do one compound session, one accessory session. Each lunchtime session is an hour long because it's in my lunch break. Each evening session is between an hour and one and a half hours long, depending on what I'm training and how late I get to the gym. I'm learning to take a little more time when lifting heavy and resting a bit more between sets which although dragging my training time out longer is helping my lifts.
Ok, so this is just a basic breakdown, I don't always follow this exact routine, especially if I feel a certain body part has been overworked or I feel like lifting something else that day. It really depends on my mood and what feels good that day.
Monday :
Morning: cardio
Lunch - Arms
Evening - Deadlifts
Lunchtime - Core
Evening - Chest
Morning - cardio
Lunch - Arms
Evening- Legs/ Squats
Lunch - Core
Evening - Pull ups/ lats
Morning: cardio
Lunch: Arms
Evening: Chest
Morning: Cardio
Afternoon: Shoulders x 2
Morning: Cardio
Afternoon: Squats and legs x 2
I switched my deadlift day from Saturday to Monday because I like to squat on Sundays and I wanted to put my deadlifts after my squats, as I felt my squats were better when I hadn't lifted heavy the day before. Since I've PR'd on deadlifts since I did this, I think it's working for my deadlifts as well. My 5RM has increased to 80kgs (176lbs) as well.
I'm on a roll and I would hate to stop my progress. But, I have been pushing hard recently, so after my deadlifts on Monday I'm thinking about taking a deload week and lifting a bit lighter weights and working on some volume. I'll see how I feel after Monday, but it could be a good idea just to take some rest.
Recent ab pics as of 10/11/13
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