Sunday, 17 November 2013

Importance of diet and the day I started lifting people...

Haha well as you know it's still deload week (last day tomorrow woohoo!) so I don't have much to report on the training front. It's been good to get some rest but I'm ready to hit it hard again. I will be updating my training schedule again this week and moving some things around, but I'll update this when I've had a chance to think about it a little more.

Had some fun on level 4 today, @vaz1x and I have seen pics of people squatting people, so between my quads and her core, we thought we could possibly manage this. So with a warm up piggy back ride we decided I could actually hold her up, so decided to aim for the squat. We figured out the method, so I hit the squat, no problems. We didn't have anyone to take a pic of us this time, but now we know how it works we'll get a pic or two to share :P

There were some pretty crazy workouts going on (hers and mine were tame compared to someone training flips!), it was definitely Sunday funday.

In other fun news, I've been looking back through some pics and thought I'd share some progress so far compared to when I started. Sometimes it's really hard to tell how far you've come when you see yourself every day.

Before I started this regime I genuinely thought I was in pretty good shape. While my diet was still rubbish, working out and lifting heavy had given me what I thought was some pretty good muscle tone. 

The first pic I took on 25 August 2013. I started this training program and proper diet on 16 September 2013. This most recent pic was taken on 12 November 2013. I apologise in advance for the poor photography, it's not one of my strengths....

...but I think it's pretty safe to say I've made some progress...

I was quite surprised when I saw this comparison to be honest. It seems like such a short time ago that I feel I couldn't have come quite so far, just from cleaning up my diet. 

So, diet = important. Who would have guessed, right?

Massive thanks has to go to The Boss for this. It took more than a little encouragement on his part, but now I can see why it's so important. I'm so glad I'm more aware of the fuel going into my body now and I'm proud of myself that I have worked so hard at sticking to it this far, and this has shown a little more clearly why it was a good idea. Sometimes temptation will come along, but I know I can resist it, especially when I get such a stark reminder of hard I'm going so far!

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