Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Current training and niggly injuries

Training this week has been really good. I'm feeling much stronger, looking leaner and pushing harder. I'm able to lift a little more, complete more reps and train for longer. It seems my body is adjusting to fewer calories, just in time to reduce it a little more ;) On 31 May I'm tightening up my diet even more, heading into the 16 week countdown.

I'm keeping up with my cardio and still hitting my 3 times a week goal. I hope to increase this a little more after 31 May, so we'll see how this fits in with my schedule. 

I've done a couple of posing sessions, and one more today and I should meet my goal of three times this week too. I'm feeling a lot more confident with this, flaring my lats is becoming easier and easier. I know I need to work on them more to get a really nice V-shape. My shoulders are really coming in now, and now that I'm leaner I feel like I'm heading toward the shape I want. 

My wrist is still bothering me a little bit, only on gripping and pulling motions rather than pushing. I'm at the point where I'm going to go and get a physio to look at it. It's really frustrating when you think it's ok, then you train it and it goes back to hurting again. Don't think I'm leaving it quite long enough to heal, and the fact I type all through my work day probably doesn't help! I'm trying to focus on stretching and rolling out my forearms, as that seems to help.

I'm officially all set to go to the USA on 1 July! I'm heading to Boston for the American Mensa Annual Gathering and looking forward to presenting there. I'll be blogging about my trip, my training and how I'm going to keep being strict while travelling, so this should be an interesting experience. I'm going to be going through and reading some stuff from the pros about how they do it before I go, so I'll be posting a lot more about this in the coming weeks. There's been quite a few international fitness expos recently and I know people have been travelling quite a lot, so hopefully there is a lot of quality information out there.

Before I head away I have to finish the semester and sit exams. I work full time as well as study, so it's going to be interesting balancing work, training and exam study heading into this. I am going to have to be much more focused (haha well more so than normal), and try and perform well while knowing I'm going to be on fewer calories. My exams are 18 and 24 June, so I'll be a few weeks into the next stage of my diet and training when they happen.

Hope everyone's training is going well! I've answered quite a few people's questions already, if you have any questions please feel free to head over to my facebook page http://facebook.com/xoxajvxox and send me a message!

xox AJ xox

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