Sunday, 15 June 2014

New Blog -

Hi everyone,

I've decided to shift my blog to Tumblr. Please feel free to follow me at

Thank you so much for all your support

xox AJ xox

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Fitting gym time into study time

Time management is something every student tries to master, and when you're trying to keep fit on top of that it can definitely be a challenge! 

I'm not saying I'm a master by any stretch of the imagination, I have a lot of things I can work on. I do have a few of my favourite tips for how to fit your workouts into your day.

Training consistently 

Training consistently is something we make a mistake with quite often. When we start a new fitness regime, we often make the mistake of launching into it hard and furiously going every day... Then after three days you're sore, exhausted and don't want to go back! Just like anything, you aren't going to be able to keep this up without burning out if you haven't eased into it. Start small, set yourself a goal of going three times the first week, say Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 30 minutes ( or however long your program takes you). After you've done that for two weeks, maybe add a weekend session as well, and stick to your routine. For most people, this amount of gym time is going to make a significant difference to your health and fitness. Once you make your gym time a habit, you're going to find it much easier to get off the couch and fit the gym into your schedule.

Fitness classes

I don't personally go to that many fitness classes, I usually prefer to work out in the gym, but I have tried a few of the classes my gym Les Mills offers and know if you don't want a trainer or prefer to train in a group, these fitness classes will suit you. Try a few out, pick a class you like and make a habit of going at the same time every week. You'll find after a few weeks you'll definitely miss it if you can't make it and you'll be looking forward to it even more next time. Les Mills does lunchtime express classes, so if you're fitting your workouts into your break or between classes these are a good option.

Mornings are good ( for some people)

Now I'm not an extremely big fan of training in the morning. I can understand the concept, and the times I do get up and train earlier I don't regret it. But I find that most of the time my brain and body prefers a reasonable wake up time.
If you are inclined toward early mornings, use this time to fit in a gym session, walk or jog and make the most of it. Whether you do this fasted or not is up to you, I hate running on a full stomach but can't lift as well on an empty one so it really depends on how you feel and whose advice you take 


I like training in my lunch break. I know that makes me odd, but I find the gym really relaxing and makes me feel good, so I almost always train at lunchtime. A lot of others feel the same so if I can take my break a little earlier or little later then midday, I try do that to avoid the rush. I also remember to bring protein with me if I'm lifting at lunchtime and eat straight afterwards.


A lot of people to to the gym straight after work. I find this a little tiring and prefer to go home and relax first before hitting the gym. My gym is quite crowded in the early evening and I don't like spending my gym time waiting for machines or racks. I usually do my evening session after 7.30, sometimes as late as 9.30, because I'm lucky and my gym closes at 10.30 pm. I find I lift better after I've eaten and I've had time to relax at home.


Weekends are tricky. I find if I leave my cardio session too late in the morning I've only just got home and it's time to go back again. Early morning on the weekend you are going to run into fewer people, but also you miss out on the much awaited sleep in! However I love training in the late afternoon/ early evening on the weekend. I like the luxury of having time when I train, especially training heavy! It's pretty quiet and while you might be a little late for your friend's party, you'll have been able to dodge the crowds. 

Splitting up weight training and cardio

I find if I try and do cardio before or after a weight training I'll feel like I've been at the gym for hours and hours. This why I usually split my weight sessions and cardio sessions. It means I'm in the gym more often, but I get better quality sessions and if don't feel like going to the gym is a huge event I have to meticulously plan. Now most trainers advise against reading or doing something while you're doing your cardio. It can be distracting and mean you're not getting the full benefit of your workout. But, if you're pushed for time, take your textbook and read while you cycle or on the stepper.

Studying and cardio go quite well together for me!

Only 12 days till my first exam, so I'm going to push myself hard in the next two weeks :) Good luck to everyone who is sitting exams, I hope you all do really well!

xox AJ xox

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Fat test results, training and study time eating tips

Good results this week! 

While I seem to be getting stronger, and heavier, it seems I'm also getting leaner. I'm 58.5 kg at the moment, up from 56kg at my last body fat test in March. 

However, my body fat is down, if just slightly! I've got from 13.5% at 56kg to 13.25% at 58.5 kg. looks like a good sign for some muscle growth.
Admittedly I didn't think it would be that low, I've been feeling a little bit more solid than usual so was thinking it would be higher. A pleasant surprise!

Training has been good, I'm lifting heavy with a lot more confidence. I trained chest yesterday, while I wasn't able to go heavy on incline bench, my flat bench was much more confident. 

I'll be changing up my diet and training again soon, these next few months are really important. When I've got more details about my new diet and training I'll fill you in!

I'm in my last week of class for university, and will be studying for exams. My old exam diet was a bag of m&m's, a block of chocolate and multiple energy drinks. It's going to be a little different this time!

Just like with training, exam study takes patience, hard work and it helps to be prepared. 

As with everyday life when you're training, your exam time is going to be much easier if you've at least planned what and when you are going to eat. When you're under stress and you're thinking hard, your brain is a) going to be using a lot of energy so going to make you hungrier and b) quite happy to grab the first food it sees and put it in your mouth.

a) Battling the hunger

To battle this, you need to have a lot of healthy, filling foods  to satisfy those hunger pangs. 

Your brain is a big engine that needs a lot of fuel, especially when you're studying, so you are going to want to eat more, it's not just in your head.

Eat a lot of veges, proteins, good sources of carbohydrates and good fats. 

  • If you're on a student budget, check out your local farmers market for lots of seasonal produce at really low prices.
  •  Frozen veges aren't expensive and a bag will last you a week or so.
  • For kiwis going into winter soups are great, chop up a whole bunch of veges and you can have a pot on the stove most the day ready for whenever you get hungry
  • Chicken breast, lean beef and turkey are really good sources of lean protein
  • Quinoa and chick peas are a great protein rich addition to your diet
  • Add cottage cheese on rice wafers for a low fat protein snack

  • Your brain largely uses carbs to function, so limiting these while you're studying is a bad idea 
  • Stick with low GI carbs like kumara (sweet potato for my non - kiwi friends), brown or basmati rice and whole grains like oats, they burn slower and fuel you for longer
Good fats 
  • Coconut oil is inexpensive and can add to your good fats and oils
  • Oily fish like salmon and sardines provide a good source of brain friendly nutrients
  • Small servings of nuts are not only tasty but are a good source of fats
b) food you can grab

In this case, you are studying hard and all of a sudden you're like "this is hard, I'm hungry."
To fight this, you need to have prepared in advance to make sure that walking to the shop and buying the huge bag of candy or ordering a pizza isn't the easiest way to get food in your belly.

  • Prepare your meals in advance, so all you have to do is heat and eat or put the meal together if it's a salad or wrap you'd rather eat
    • Have the meal ready in microwaveable containers
    • Have ingredients chopped in containers ready to go
  • Make healthy foods you actually like to eat. If it's food you wouldn't normally eat or something you won't enjoy, your brain will still tell you no. Easy meals like whole wheat wraps, with chicken and salad will always be appreciated
  • make tasty snacks ready to eat like fruit salad, low fat/low sugar yoghurt, and smoothies to curb any sugar cravings
  • Like I said above, soup is a really handy quick meal, made with lots of good veges and proteins it will be a comforting, filling snack
  • Make black coffee instead of energy drinks or drink hot water with lemon
  • Protein shakes a are handy (and sometimes tasty) snack to up your protein and keep you full. Ask your local protein store for some samples to find something you really like.
Remember to keep hydrated! I always have two 1.5 litre bottles of water, one at work and one at home, to make sure I've always got water with me. Your brain and body need a lot of water, it will help you stay awake and refreshed. Flavour your water with lemon or mint for a low calorie sweet and tasty drink.

I hope these tips are handy and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!

Good luck with Exams!

xox AJ xox